단어 철자 설명하는 표현 익히기
- 나라이름
- Ukraine(한국은 우크라이나이지만, 외국에서는 우크레인 이라고 읽는다고함)
- Qatar
- Chile
- etc
- 단어 스펠링 수정
- by → buy
- 교정 표현: There is a ‘u’ between ‘b’ and ‘y’ in ‘buy’.
- choclate → chocolate
- the second ‘o’ is between second ‘c’ and ‘l’
- comming → coming
- there are not double ‘m’, there is just single ‘m’.
- there/their/they’re
- by → buy
- 단어 설명
- 낱개의 글자 단위 = letter
- Capitalized ~ 첫번째 글자가 대문자로 표현된
- Capital 대문자
- silence ~ 묵음
- 설명 표현:
- wavy라는 단어 설명!
- The word is a 4-letter word.
- The word starts with a ‘w’
- It ends with a ‘k’
- seem
- It has a double ‘e’.
- There is a ‘m’ after the second ‘e’
- yesterday
- There is a ‘d’ between the ‘r’ and the ‘a’.
- There is a ‘s’ before the second ‘e’
- The forth letter is a ‘t’.
- wrote/hour
- It start with a silent ‘w’/’h’ (묵음으로 시작)
질문 표현- How many letters are in the word?
- What is the first/second/last leeter of the word?
- Does the word start/end with an ‘a’?
- Is there a double/silent letter?
- Is there a ‘t’?
- What is the letter before/after the ‘e’?
- What is the letter between the ‘x’ and the ‘c’?
- wavy라는 단어 설명!
- 설명 표현:
- 문장 받아쓰기(dictate)
- I heard you had an accident
- He was very weak last week
- We are sitting in the kitchen and listening to music
- Where do you usually wear boots?
- Which watch did the witch steal? (또 틀렸다 후...)
- They ate eight delicious sandwiches.
- Would you like a piece of my birthday cake?
- 이름 받아쓰기
- 자음: consonant
- 모음: vowel
- Noah
- Charlotte
- Oliver
- Maeve[메이브]
- Sean[숀] ~ 아일랜드 언어에서 유래한 이름임, 아일랜드언어에서 S가 쇼…라고 읽힌다고 함
- Kimberly
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